Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA) was invited to attend the Majlis SIRIM Industri 2022 that was held on 1 December 2022 at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Majlis SIRIM Industri (MSI) is an event held to celebrate organizations that have received certification from SIRIM QAS consisting of industry players & government agencies from January 2020 to December 2021.

At the event, the Chief Executive Officer together with the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, BCM Section Staff and LPPSA BCMS Audit Team have represented LPPSA to receive a certificate of appreciation for LPPSA's success in obtaining the ISO22301: Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) certification received in September 2022 from SIRIM QAS.

LPPSA received Corporate Award given by The Institute Of Internal Auditors Malaysia. The award received is recognition to LPPSA in showing a strong commitment to Continuous Professional Development.

LPPSA also took home the third-place award for “The Risk Management Team of the Year Award” given by the Malaysian Association of Risk and Insurance Management (MARIM). This award recognises the instrumental role played by the risk management team in producing extensive risk management strategies to achieve its objectives and create added value to the organisation.

Efforts to provide effective risk governance practises have not gone unnoticed as LPPSA was awarded with the ‘Excellence in Implementation’ in 2018 by Tricor Roots Consulting Sdn Bhd.